The Jesus Code
Lesson 24 – Part 2
We have thought of heaven and earth as two separate geographical places – one where we live in physical bodies, the other our dwelling place after we drop the body. And, we have considered “heaven on earth” to mean the sheer bliss of living in this material world when in a state of spiritual consciousness. Now we understand that heaven and earth as homes are one, interpenetrating, and that the earthly paradise we have been seeking is not to come but already is.
Scientists who have studied near-death experiences conclude that the world beyond is a frequency world – that is, on a higher frequency than the material world but not separate form this plane of existence, and can be accessed through a change in consciousness. Those who have gone before us have never left. They are right where we are, aware of neither time nor space, simply in conscious existence on other frequencies of consciousness -the frequencies of the nonphysical world.