The Jesus Code
Lesson 22 – Part 2
Where do most people live in and as consciousness? Some think of themselves primarily as a body – they are body conscious – and will try every external remedy available to make themselves feel better, younger, more energetic and vital. Many are more emotionally bases and identify with a range of reactive feelings and sensations, while others combing thinking and feeling as the predominant consciousness.
Until our identity is transferred to Spirit, our only Self, while continuing to live with the relish and passion of the moment, we are not living the Truth of our Being, and our lives will be incomplete.
Through the steps we have covered thus far, the central theme has been the truth of our single Identity. God is all there is. If it is not God, it does not exist. We are of God, and it is impossible for there to be anything unlike God in, through, and as us.
There is only one Spirit, in the Absolute and in Self-awareness – one Mind operating on different vibrations. We are that Spirit, that Mind; there is no other.
We can’t be separate from God because God does not break Itself into parts. All of God is where we are, what we are. The sense of “human” is but an ego thought, a false belief. When we mistakenly perceived ourselves as a body and as something other than the Spirit of God, the effect was similar to a funnel-shaped waterspout in the ocean – a whirlwind that sucked the very Truth from our minds, leaving us in a void to be filled by the fearfully created ego. But now we are dissolving that vortex of lies and are returning to the still waters of the Kingdom, where our only Self resides in peace and joy.