The Jesus Code
by John Randolph Price
Lesson 2 – part 2
In this second step of our new beginning, let’s dismiss all concepts and images of God as an entity separate and apart from us, or as a demander of justice and punishment, a jealous master, an angry ruler, or as one who must be petitioned for gifts, favors, and divine roles. God is absolute goodness, total givingness, does not know the concept of sin or punishment, has created a universe of beauty for Itself, and has expressed as our individual Divine Consciousness – our kingdom of peace and plenty where life is to be enjoyed to the fullest.
Think on these thoughts:
God IS. God is the one universal Presence and Power, the Cosmic Heart of Love, expressing as all that is good, true, and beautiful in life. I am that Expression.
I and the Spirit of God are one and the same. I am God being me, and God loves Itself as me.
I AM conscious.
I AM consciously aware.
I AM consciously aware of the presence of God.
I AM consciously aware of the presence of God I AM.
I AM consciously aware of the presence of God I AM as me.
I now listen and hear the Voice of Truth speak from the stillness within.