The Jesus Code
by John Randolph Price
Lesson 19
Understand There is No Duality
“The dual nature of the universe does not exist in the True World. There is neither health nor sickness, abundance nor scarcity, peace nor conflict. God IS, the only Power, infinite and omnipresent Spirit. All else is Maya, illusory appearances projected by mind, whether judged good or bad by the seer.
In Spirit, nothing is lacking, nothing is absent. Whatever is not of God does not exist. There is nothing opposed to God. Truth has no opposite; therefore, all is perfect. Spiritual consciousness knows this and does not experience duality.”
In “this world.” we experience the duality of light and darkness, and all that is symbolized by the tow extremes because we are constantly projecting appearances on the screen of life based on our beliefs. If we believe that we are human and subject to the trials and tribulations of such a species, so it will be unto us. We are what we believe.