The Jesus Code
by John Randolph Price
Lesson 17
Understand the Will of God
“Will is the dynamic urge to create, the purpose and inspiration behind all things. It is singular, not higher and lower, a power applied universally and individually as a force for goodwill. God’s will and your will are one in spiritual consciousness.”
The phrase “thy will be done” in the Lord’s Prayer is a statement of resignation for many, the calling down of a power to do something that may not be what we had in mind. It’s as though we’re saying, “Since I can’t have what I want in life, I guess I’ll have to settle for what God wants.” And in some cases, there’s a little tinge of fear there. We believe that God punishes us for our sins, and that the will of God must contain some form of suffering and sacrifice for us. No wonder so many people live in a state of apprehension, futility, and fatalism.
And there’s the opposite side of the coin. We’ve been told to be careful what we pray for because we might get it. In other words “My will be done.”
But now we see that there is only one will, and how could it be otherwise? The whole universe of Cosmic Being individualized it consciousness as the Selfhood of each one of us, and nothing was left out of the individualizing process. We are the will of God. “I and God are one; all that God is, I am.”