The Jesus Code
Lesson 16 -part 2
We recognize the universal Selfhood of which we all belong, understanding that in our oneness, we cannot be exclusive in our prayers-that what we want for ourselves, we want for everyone. Our affirmative prayers and meditative treatments should be inclusive of the planetary family for maximum effectiveness. But this is only a part of the lesson.
The other “gem” relates to the truth that “God gives universally through omnipresence.” Yes!
There is neither reward or punishment, only loving givingness constantly shining as completeness, and falling as nourishing wholeness for all.
Could it be that when our prayers seem to be unanswered, it is simply our refusal to be open and receptive to that which is ours and already given-accepting not only for ourselves but for everyone else? Let’s begin now, whether in prayer or daily living, to “seek the good of all.” We rejoice with others when they find the right life partner; we shout with joy when someone receives a financial windfall: we praise God when he hear that a healing of mind, emotions, and body has occurred.
What I want for me. I want for you! Let’s keep that at the forefront of consciousness as we take the next step.