The Jesus Code
by John Randolph Price
Lesson 15 – part 2
Again “Spiritual Consciousness” is the key, and with each step up Jacob’s ladder we climb higher into that realm of reality where nothing can touch us but God. But right here let’s pause and remind ourselves that the God who is our ring of protection is not something apart from us, but is actually our Consciousness-not the lower nature of the ego,which is only a false belief, but the Only Nature that exists as I. We have to do away with division and see only the one Reality.
In our spiritual awareness, let us see only the Truth, the solitary Wholeness of our Being where nothing evil, wicked, harmful, or hurtful exists. The activity of God-spiritual consciousness-is the only power at work.
Let’s consciously become one with that ring and …
“Go forward with a sense of strength, knowing that the power of your soul…and the protective aura which surrounds the work of the Christ can ever be relied upon.”