The Jesus Code
by John Randolph Price
Lesson 14
Do Not Depend on Anything in the External World
“Effects do not produce effects, for they represent the past and not the now. No person, place, thing, condition, or situation in the external world has power over you or to create anew for you. Place your undivided dependence on Spirit within, and Love will meet your needs.”
This lesson appears to be a continuation from the previous one and deals with our conscious awareness of the activity of Spirit within, the Divine I AM Identity of the Jesus Model. When we are not in spiritual awareness, we are living in a mindfulness of the external world with all its pain, scarcity, conflict and sorrow.
In material consciousness, we are dealing with the world of effects, which represents the past. What we see is already manifest, much from the influence of the collective consciousness. In this lower frequency our dependence shifts to certain people who we feel have power over us, or we assume will be responsible for our good.
First, no one in the outer world has power over you unless you give it to them, which makes them the ruler and you the victim. To be fearful of others is to give them your energy. to be angry with someone is to become negatively attached to that person. The only power on earth is within you, so begin right now to withdraw your projections of fear, anger, and subservience on others. The Spirit within you is your power and authority. In spiritual consciousness, there is no rank, so see everyone else as the Holy Self they are in truth, and get on equal terms with the universal family. We are a Jesus.