The Jesus Code
Lesson 11
Heal Thyself
“The body is maintained in wholeness when you live in and as higher Consciousness. Open to the Healing Presence, the One Power, and be whole. Limit not your vision to see perfection. Unite with the purpose of Love, and receive the inflow. Feel the energy as purifying Light throughout the entire body.
Disease is true only to your belief. Shall you be healed of that which is real and yet is not? Know that only thoughts and emotions require healing. Consent to healing. Acquiesce. Let the effect of the emotional thought-wound be healed by Love.”
Again, we see how essential it is to live in and as the I of our being and see only the Body-Ideal. In essence, what we think of as a physical body is a sculptured pillar of light – pure, pulsating energy incorporating the perfect pattern for the manifestation of what we perceive to be as form. But the reality of our world is pure energy, and as we move into higher consciousness, we will see the ethereal appearance of solid structure, as the energy pattern behind the form begins to show through. This “shining reality” also reveals to us that there is no decay, disease, or aging within the energy configuration, and as we hold that perception in our minds, the object seen as solid begins to reflect its true perfection. This process can be simulated through abstract thinking – in other words, seeing a physical body as a pure field of light through the imaging faculty of mind (imagination)