The Jesus Code
Lesson 11-part 2
False Beliefs Cause the Appearance of Illness.
The primary thorn in consciousness is the belief in two powers, which then splinters out into such beliefs as separation from our Source, a punishing God who wills sickness, a malevolent universe, karma and heredity – which lead to judgement, criticism, anger, unforgiveness, guilt, unrestrained desires, and self-pity.
In the one Mind, Omnipresent I, which includes all there is anywhere and everywhere, there is only the single Omnipotence – an infinite Will-for-Good. There is no other power. And it is impossible for us to be separated form our source, because we are that Source in conscious Self-awareness. There is no other God, which means, we live in a totally benevolent universe.
Here is a healing exercise based on this Lesson.
“Unite with the purpose of Love, and receive the inflow.”
We do this beginning with the energy center above the top of the head (crown), seeing the energy descending as purifying Love-Light throughout the entire body. Do it, seeing and feeling the flow of energy. As this Love-Light flows down, it transmutes the negative energy; it breaks the hold of the false belief. and through your imaging faculty, you are given the picture of a “light body” – that which you truly are. And the more you hold that image, the more the physical form functions on a higher level.