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The Quartus Foundation
The Jesus Code
by John Randolph Price
There’s more but first let’s look at the term “Christ”. It is pre-Christian and came from Plato’s Christos, meaning “the True Self of everyone.”
Mystical writings have also emphasized that we are not a body, that the ego of personality must be dissolved, and that we must die daily to our personal sense.
Let’s continue with the Code.
“You have a physical body, just as I did, so do not attempt to sacrifice it on the altar of spirituality. Use the body proudly, love it, and care for it as a visible expression of yourself.
You are consciousness; therefore, you have a personality, as I do, which is an expression of your uniqueness. Do not deny or condemn it, or the world will lose a particular flavor in the great miscellany of life.
You have a mind with which to think. Do not lose it through atrophy in an attempt to become more spiritual in non-thought. The mind that was in Christ Jesus is every mind; there is no mortal or carnal mind.
You have feelings, as I do, otherwise you would be an automation. Do not suppress them. Truly express your love and joy, your tenderness and compassion. If a false emotion stirs you from past conditioning, transmute it through harmlessness.
You are the Spirit of God, which I am and everyone is. The one Life, your Life, as the perfection of God must forever remain so. Unite with the Truth of me to discover your own Reality.
By identifying as me, as Representative Being, you and others will recognize your completeness, for God does not exist as separate Being. In Truth there is nothing to overcome, nothing to redeem, nothing to heal…only beliefs to the contrary to be corrected.”