The Jesus Code
Conclusion – Part 2
The final communication of the Jesus Code came, as it began, in a dream. I was shown a large ball nearly as tall as I was, and a male voice told me to grab the ball. As I tried to do so, it moved away. I began chasing the ball and it continued to elude my grasp.
Then he said, “To catch the ball, you must become the ball.”
Perplexed i asked how to do this.
“Find the point of contact within your mind that corresponds to the object of the ball. See within. Feel within. Now slowly walk into that which you are seeing and feeling and become the ball.”
I followed the instruction, and after several attempts, I suddenly was the ball and the ball was me, in complete oneness.
And he said, “This is the secret of prayer.”
“But I wasn’t praying,” I said.
“That is the secret of the Code.”
I woke up and thought about the dream. That which we chase runs from us, whether health, wealth, success, or right relations. To be as Jesus means to be still and become that which we seek, that which we already are and have in the completeness of our being.
When we finally stop seeking in the realization that we have everything now, the glory of consciousness fills our hearts and minds. And to the frenzied illusions and dancing appearances of our world, Consciousness speaks the word: Be still and know that I am God.
And there was a great calm.